Friday, September 23, 2011

Thanks for listening.

Well folks, its been a while. I have been debating whether or not I should make this specific post for quite a few days, and I can't get it out of my head so I guess I will.

I've been thinking a lot lately about why I am here at WSU. I had already known it was the right thing for me, but how do you explain that to the hundreds of people that ask? So I came up with a few logical reasons (and some not so logical :P) about why I wanted to be here. But in the end, there was this strange feeling like it was familiar and special and happy. So I went with it. This feeling was strengthened when I received a blessing that stated  "Thank you for listening and coming to Pullman"

Honestly, I was a little freaked out. I had tried my hardest to follow what I felt was right, but it's not like I saw a vision or anything telling me to come here. I was nervous and a little unsure. After thinking these things, though, looking at my past started to make sense.

Two years ago, I got rejected from BYU. Rejected. Can you believe that!? At the time, I was completely devastated  didn't see any reason or purpose behind why I couldn't go there. Through a blessing, I had learned that this was all apart of the plan. So I tried my best to move forward.

I went to SUU. I made wonderful friends who I still love very much to this day. I learned a lot about what is important to me. But I started to feel like it was time, yet again, to try something new. Of course I missed my family and my boyfriend, but in a way, it was more than that. I just didn't have the feeling I wanted.

So I came to WSU. No doubt, there were struggles. There were so many blockades and issues with my application and such that I was beginning to think I had totally messed up. I still was relying on that feeling I had though, the feeling that I only found here at WSU. So I kept at it. And I loved it.

But see now, I have started to understand how each part has been so vital. Had I gone to BYU, I probably would have loved it. I may have met new friends. I may have had a whole different life. I may have been less willing to listen to that feeling in my gut that said I needed to make some changes.

I am sure there is more to my story. Obviously I have a purpose in coming here, and I am excited to discover more about that. But at the end of the day, I am the happiest I have ever been in my life. School is hard. Sometimes I get stressed out. I've already gotten sick and had to go to the hospital.... but I can't stop smiling! I love it here.

Most importantly, I have never felt so close to my Heavenly Father as I do here. I am slowly coming to understand how real the plan of salvation is. I am starting to realize that God is really listening and he is totally giving answers to prayers all the time. All you have to do is listen. I have been told that all my life, but for some reason, answers have never come so clear as they do now. I was told in my same recent blessing that if I think I am happy now, just wait until after I begin my work here. I am excited for that.

I am so happy for the wonderful support given to my by my friends here, my family, and of course my boyfriend :) With the help of those who love me, and my Heavenly Father, there is nothing I can't accomplish. to pass History of Classical Christian Europe...

Thanks for listening :)