Monday, August 30, 2010

People of Walmart.

CRAP. I'm one!

So after I went to a church activity tonight, I decided I would hit up walmart just to grab a few things I have noticed I was missing. I was leisurely walking down the makeup aisle when I noticed some nail polish what wasn't in it's shelf correctly, it was just kinda squeezed in there. Being the good person that I am, I decided to put in in correctly. BIG MISTAKE. I just couldn't get it to fit in! Admiting defeat, I just propped it back up like it was, and began to look at the colors. Howver, the second I let go, the bottle dropped AND SHATTERED right on my foot!

My foot, after I went home to clean up a little

It was horrible because I made a HUGE mess in the aisle, and glass was TOTALLY inside my foot! I was on the phone with Eric and he just thought it was a huge joke and started making fun of me. It was so embarrasing because I had a completely black foot and shoe, and I was trying to get away from the scene of the crime, hobbling just a little as I did so. Eric's comforting words were "Haven't you looked at that website called 'People of Walmart'? No one will think anything of your black foot". But oh boy, they totally did. People were all staring at me. THEN I started to think that with nail polish inside my cut, it would go in my blood stream and make me pass out or puke or something. THEN I started to feel light-headed and everything because I thought I had poison in my blood, but then I convinced myself it was just because I am a woman, and as such, I am 50% more likely to imagine illness than a man would.

Anyways. I am all better now. My shoe is pretty ruined. My foot hurts a little with all the cuts that I had to clean with nail polish remover. I will also be patrolling (The People of Walmart) page to make sure my foot pic doesnt get on there!

Thus it begins.

Week 2!

Church yesterday was still pretty lame. The leaders keep telling all the girls to convert guys and bring them to the ward. But all I can think is "if I found a halfway decent guy to try to convert, I wouldn't bring him to church where he would be preyed upon by all the other desperate girls." DISCLAIMER: I already have found a halfway decent guy to try to convert. I just keep him away from all the desperate girls. Far, far away :)

Yesterday we also had our roommate agreement meeting where we all discussed what things we can share, what things make us angry, and how we react when we are sad... It was probably the closest thing to a counselling session I will ever go to.

Afterwards we re-organized our fridge. In my opinion, this didn't seem to do much good because I was already consolidated and organized, but others were not. I am a little sad because I like to drink juice a lot, so I got a big gallon of diet cranberry juice (5 calories per serving!? Heck YES), and I was kind of indirectly scolded for having such a large space-waster for only one person. However, as I pointed out to them, as time goes by, I will have less and less things in the fridge. If I have to have less tortillas to get my gallon of juice, so be it! haha

After we reorganized the fridge, we divied up chores. At this point, roommate time was already colliding with my nightly "Eric-Time", so I was a little anxious to get that over with. So together we made a sloppy little chore chart and I called it quits. This morning, however, I had a lot more concentration to devote to the ordeal, so I made a VERY cute little chart for us :)

I am not sure if it will inspire all the other girls to clean, but I certainly feel inspired! :)

This morning I had institute, which I did, in my sleepy state, try to convince myself that I would skip, but then I remembered all of those things they said in church yesterday about spiritual learning coming first and such, so I was totally guilted into it. Once I was there, it was actually pretty great. I like learning about the different religions. Though the time we focus on that is short, at least this time there were no creepers telling me that they are returned missionaries and single. That's always a plus.

Astronomy is definitely going to be interesting today, I can feel it. Not interesting as in "Woah, I learned something!" But interesting as in someone doing something that will make me laugh at them. Oh dear.

After astronomy, I am going to take a nap. I am not going to study, I am not going to read, I am not going to eat, I am just going to take a good ol' fashioned nap. Bring. It. On.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

That Is That.

First week of college is over.
This has probably been the longest week of my entire life.
I just remember high school like flying by. But now, everything is different.

Part of it, I think, is that the people that made time seem to go by so quickly are all gone. Instead of hanging with friends, I have dates with my books. I am thinking that today I will take my reading to the gym with me. Even if I am there for hours, I think it will help me blow off a little steam.

Yesterday, I only had astronomy. There were two moments that made me laugh a little. We were looking at this program that allows you to see star constellations and things like that, and one of its features is that you can turn the sunlight off to allow you to see the stars during the day that you can't normally see because its too bright in the real world. The professor moved the pointer to the darkened sun and said "This is how the sun looks when we turn the daylight off, like another star". Quickly, one girl raised her hand and said "Wa-wa-wa-wa-wait. At night time, the sun turns into a star?" *headdesk*

The next thing was, a kid had raised his hand and asked "So in this class, we are going to be calling pluto a planet?" Suddenly the room got quiet and the poignant moment began. My teacher got a little red faced and choked up and said "It makes me sick that they would thing to remove Pluto from the planets!" He went on to explain that he knows the man who discovered Pluto, and that he is his hero, and said "I know all the fame it brought to him, his family, his observatory... I hate that people are trying to take that away...The debate is not over."

...So I guess Pluto is a touchy subject!

Last night, my roommates and my friend and some of her roommates all went to see Vampire's Suck. Um......... Yea it sucked. haha. The beginning was hilarious, but after the first half hour, I kept checking my watch to see how long this was going to be. In addition to having it say the S word every other word, there were some parts that were....a lot more crude then I was expecting. Of course, I have heard of tons of people who went and enjoyed it, and kids muuuch younger than me going with their families, but wow...Seriously don't go. Part of the problem is it is taking all of the teenage romance of the twilight saga and showing it through a lense that is much more crude. So yea...that was weird...

BUT in a way, going to see this crappy movie with my roommates was quite the bonding experience. After we came home, we all talked to Eric and his roommate on skype and were laughing for quite a long time. Eric is cool and all, but I absolutely love my roommates. They really help me feel better about things :)

After we had sufficiently annoyed two teenage boys 900 miles away, we all went to play curses. If any of you haven't played Curses before, you totally should! When you actually play by the way the rules say to play, you can have a blast! After about half an hour of that, we all sorta split off, many of us hopping onto skype to chat up our friends who are far away. It's kinda funny. From my room, I can usually here quite a few computers echoing making the video-call sound skype makes. Probably the best sound ever. (:

Okay it's already noon. I need to do something with my day. Off to the gymmmm :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Long days are sometimes the best days :)

Can I just say I work wayyyyy harder in college then I ever have in high school? Beacuse I totally have. Like I did my fair bit of work in high school, but like here? Here is nothing compared to that. As far as homework goes, I feel that the load is actually very similar to what I did (or was SUPPOSED to do :P) in high school. The main difference is just the level of critical thinking. Everytime I go into a class my mind just goes on a roller coaster! There are just soooo many things to think about, opinions to discuss, things to learn- I just love it so much. I get out of class and I feel exhausted, not because the class was boring or I did lots of work, but because my mind feels like it ran a marathon!

Though we do lots of hard work, we definitely share some laughs. Today my english professor was discussing rhetoric (language, the art of persuasion, etc.) and the means at which we can achieve persuasion. She said "Some people may use physical appearance as a resource, but for some of you, appearence is what we call a 'constraint'"

PROBABLY the funniest thing I had heard all day :) Eric didn't think it was funny, but really it was hilarious.

Also today, I had major network issues! Before I get into that though, I have to tell you the creepiest story! So I was in the library working with my pesky laptop, and I notice this totally staring at me! I like to give people the benefit of the doubt on these sorts of things...
...because who wants to stare at someone who looks like this?! :P
So I looked behind me, and it was a map. Alright, he is allowed to stare at the map. So I continue on with my work, and look up, and there he is, BUG EYED STARIN'! Needless to say, I was pretty creeped out. I began to pack up my stuff, then he stood up and started to do it toooo! AHHH. And so then I sat back down and tried to look like i was just re-situating. THEN HE SAT DOWN TOO! It was then that I realized I couldn't stay here forever so I got up really quick and ran up the stairs. I heard him coming right behind me, but he couldn't beat the speed of my zumba-toned quads. Earlier I had looked for a spot in the computer lab and it was full (like always) but i figured I could seek refuge amoung the 50 other students. Lucky for me, I escaped the weird, blonde, and probably a theatre major creepo.

After this, I stepped outside and saw something I haven't seen in a while...RAIN! It was pouring pouring POURING! This rain was probably the best rain I had ever seen in my life. It was weird, washington rain is all misty and wimpy, this stuff would hit my head and make me feel like a bus had landed on me! Okayyy maybe not a bus, but anyways. By the time I got to english I was completely soaked and I wouldn't have it any other way :)

Back to the computer issues... I went through three tech guys today. Unfortunately for me, they got progressively less attractive. Anywho, my laptop wouldnt hook up to the SUUstudents network. The only person that could actually turned out to be my dad :) Just so he is aware, I sent him an email first for help before I tried contacting any of these other losers whose version of "help" is directing you to a video on how to select a network. Oh dear. :) I got it all sorted out though, and now I am way excited to be able to browse as I please!

Even with all the craziness, today was seriously my best day yet of college. I think maybe it's the craziness that made things fun! (:

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


That really does describe my day! I am so proud of my little grown up self!

I am trying to think and see if I did anything extremely stupid today...
....that didn't take long! I thought of something!

A few days ago, my sleep habits had been getting prreeetttyyyy bad. So, lately I have been trying to be a bit more responsible about going to bed at a "decent" hour. But you know, I am still not perfect..haha. So this morning I slept through my alarm. Not entirely sure how I did it, but it is a fairly complicated system, so I give myself credit for even being able to turn the thing off while I was sleeping. But anyways, I was planning on getting up at 8, but I didn't really start getting ready until about 8:30. My first class today was institute so I wasn't really worried...the worst they could say is "Sister, remember spiritual learning comes first" which is what they seem to say around here whenever someone does something wrong.

Since my route last time wasn't the best (I ran through freshly cut grass and got it allll over!) I decided to try to take the cement path that cuts through campus. Everything was rather uneventful for a while, except for the fact that I reeaallyyyy had to use the bathroom. Wasn't until about an hour later that I found one on campus to use. I thought everything was going to be great, but then the toilets (which are really high tech) flushed on its own, and the sound sounded like a baby crying from the toilet! I screamed and hit my head on the door....yea.

From then on, my day started to slowly fall apart. My online computer class made absolutely no sense, the teacher wouldn't get back to me, I had an assignment that was late and one to do today that I didn't even know about, and read the fine print that said I needed to buy a $130 book about how to delete one letter in a word document. I went over to the SUU bookstore to see how much this book was there, and it was only 30 something, so at this point I had calmed down a little. Then when I got home, my roommate said that I could just use her's since she only needs it for the 3 hours a week she is in class (Thanks Sara!!!) :D

After that, everything started to get better. So good, in fact, that I went to walmart to fill in the gaps I need for the next few weeks. Man, I shoulda just cracked open my crackers, because being at walmart is like dinner and a show! People are always doing weird stuff. Its fantastic. For example, I saw an old man waving his cane cursing at the shelf for not having the tea he likes. Too funny.

Walmart put me in such a good mood, I was inspired to read and study for the next three hours. Got through some of Three Cups of BORING, studied and typed lots of stuff for astronomy, and I completed my computer project for today. GO MEE!

...speaking of computer projects, I am actually going to get back to that. Got to see if I can finish the whole course by monday :P

Thanks for readin'!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Let the Games Begin.

How fast the time goes! Today is already the second day of college! I am already starting to miss a few things, like sleep, for instance haha. But who can bear to sleep when being awake is so fun!

Yesterday, I got a notification that I had a package waiting for me at the post office (don't worry, I wont get into so much detail with this whole post office thing :P), the only problem was that I got the email right as the post office was closing, so I had to wait the 16 hours till I could get it this morning! So, I set my alarm for 8 and decided I didn't care what people thought, I would run over there in my pajamas. It wasn't until I was already far from my dorm that I realized that people's class start even before 8 (who the heck would do that to themselves?!). There were people all over all dressed nice, people jogging, people doing homework, and here I am in my nerd glasses, huge tshirt and sweatpants, with my hair all crazy, going into the post office to pick up my package. Would I do it again? Absolutely. (:

As you can see from the picture, I recieved like the second coolest shirt ever! The coolest shirt of course, is the one I sent him :P Anyways.... It's way cool because my school colors are red and white, so if someone glances at the shirt, they won't want to beat me up! And even with it being a different college and all, some people here seem to think Washington is the most amazing place ever ("!"), so needless to say, I am not at all shy to show of my WSU spirit :D haha

Classes yesterday were Astronomy and "The Gospel and World Religions" institute class. They have really great teachers, and reeeaaallyyy weird students. But hey, that's college! Today I am taking Education in Society and Writing Rhetoric. To me, those classes sound pretty difficult, with FIVE textbooks between the both of them. I am guessing I will read a lot and have to write MANY papers, but then again...I suppose thats what is expected of an English major :P I am off to my first class now. Hopefully I will be able to give a little update on how they went tonight :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why on earth...

Did I never learn to use a post office?

I know what you are thinking. "Doesn't everybody know how to use a post office?"
NO. They. Don't.
Except for the two times I have been inside a post office, and those pictures of a French Post Office in my french textbook, I have never really seen the inside...

Now I do admit, this frustration is mostly because of the fact that on campus we have a mini-USPS that seems to be lacking a lot of things that a regular post office (like the one two blocks from my house) would have. I don't even think they sell stamps there, let alone flat rate shipping packages...

This is probably the most disorganized blog post ever. So, the future english teacher in me is telling me to start at the very beginning.

Being the completely amazing person that I am, I decided this morning I would send a package to a very nice young man currently attending Washington State University. Everything was going well. With all items for said package gathered, I decided all I needed was something to mail the contents in. Not knowing the cruel ways of the post office, I simply bought those package/envelope things with the bubble wrap from walmart for what I though was a very decent price. I go home, address it, seal it shut, then look at the clock. Because the on campus post office closes before I even wake up (4pm :P ) I knew I couldn't ship it there. So I just relax, thinking the only trouble is that I have to wait until monday. However, I started to get curious. Curiosity is always a bad thing, but when it comes to the post office, it just makes it worse. I decide to estimate the price it would cost to send my package and get this amount that quite honestly, is worth much more than the contents inside. Distressed, I called this said young man currently attending WSU. Instead of telling me to suck it up, he tells me something worse. I did something HORRIBLY WRONG! Apparently a REAL post office carries flat-rate shipping packaging that has a low price regardless of weight, and you dont even have to buy the packaging itself. WHHAAA?!

Now, after I weighed my package and everything, I realized sending it actually will only cost $5.10 or less, which is just about the same price as one of those flat rate things ($4.90). So in actuality, life isn't that horrible. But I guess I just really hate not understanding things.

Hopefully that doesn't ruin the evening though. My roommates and I are all really having a great time. Couldn't have asked for better girls in my dorm. Tonight, we are just going to be girly and eat treats, paint nails, and watch the notebook. Fun? I think so :)

And just because I have to get this out: I am totally stressed out about something not college related, which I believe is contributing a lot to my mood.

Okay. Bye.

Monday, August 16, 2010

They say home is where your heart is...

So I am definitely at home here :)

Cedar City seems to get more beautiful everytime I look out the window. Everything about the town (except these pesky, high angled driveways which scrap the bottom of my car EVERYTIME) seems completely perfect for me! I am not sure how many of you are familiar with the area, so here is a picture :)

I moved into my lovely dorm at SUU on Sunday, and I am still raving about it. I have so much space, everything is in very good condition, and I am just a minute walk from campus. Even though my family has a hotel room with a pool just a few blocks away, I am spending the night in my new dorm :) Exciting! I took some pictures and posted them on my facebook here:!/album.php?aid=193542&id=512042601

Tomorrow is kind of a busy day. I have to get my mailbox all setup to recieve letters and packages; then I have to pick up my parking permit. After that, the whole family is going down to see the beauty of St. George! My Dad and my younger sister both haven't been down there recently, so we are going to grab some lunch, go see the beautiful St. George Temple, and hike around Dixie Rock!

St. George Temple
Dixie Rock
Though everything is still a bit of an "adventure", and I seem to get a little lost when navigating to the free way, I definitely feel very comfortable, happy, and at home here :) I even have a buddy coming over tomorrow to watch a movie! Hopefully all will go well, but I have no doubt that it will. This place is awesome!


Saturday, August 14, 2010

I've got a riddle for you!

How do you fit 3 carloads of father proclaimed "crap" into one minivan and one small pontiac?
You don't.
And thus begins my morning.

For the past month or so, I have been slowly packing my life away. Some, in boxes to come to college, and what is decidedly not enough, to stay in storage bins in my closet. Though I try my best to not be attatched to silly materialistic things, it really does make me sad to decide what cannot come with me to college. I think part of that springs from the fact that I try my hardest to be appreciative of what I have. I know there are many people who aren't as blessed as me when it comes to being able to have and buy most things that they want. So in a way, I feel like its ungrateful for me to claim that something isn't worth the trouble and space. So definitely, this is a large factor in my crap-over-crowding.

HOWEVER. I do have an excuse. Last year I bought a LOVELY new car. With hours of my own hard earned Taco Time money, and a lot of help from the parents, I was able to call my 1998 Pontiac Sunfire my own. That included taking the vehicle with me to college. This opened up a whole new world for us! Instead of doing crazy, hectic, last minute dorm shopping like we did for my older sister, we slowly started accumulating everything for my dorm months in advance. Pots, Pans, Bedding, Towels, toothpaste- ANYTHING you can think that I might need, we bought. The fact that we had an extra car made us feel like the sky was the limit. Yet, this is not so. We had room for perhaps 3 or 4 more boxes. Needless to say, we exceeded that amount.

So. Parents, when your children go off to college, don't be afraid of the last minute shopping. Though it seems horrifyingly stressful, this will give you a chance to see your child's room and the amount of space they have for other supplies, and Dad less opportunity to make their daughter cry about not being able to take two sets of hangers...

Students, don't go to college. Leaving everything sucks.

Well, my little puppy Missy is off to PetSmart to stay in the kennel for the week whilst all the family (minus my older sister) help me get settled in at Cedar City. It's really sad because the pup-pup was excited to go on a "Bye Bye" but once she gets there, she will hate it. She will probably just miss everyone a lot. She probably feels like she didn't even get the chance to say goodbye to everyone she wanted. She probably will feel a little trapped. And she will probably just sit there on her little bed and cry for hours.

She probably feels a lot like me.
Goodbye Washington.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

10 Days Until I Move In

WAAAAHHOOOW! Things are FINALLY starting to come together. All of my kitchen supplies are boxed up, along with many of my household items. Really, the only things left to pack are the things that I am using all the time (bedding, clothes, jewelry). Yesterday was my last day of work, so I have lots more time now to get some things accomplished!

One purchase I made this week for my dorm that I absolutely love is my "Teen-Plan it" Calandar I got from Barnes and Noble. It has a whole bunch of cute designs, stickers, and big squares to write whats going on that day. It has made my pre-move in planning SO much easier, and made looking toward college much more fun. I love to wake up in the morning and look at all the things I have going on. So fun!

Speaking of things going on, my Grandma and Grandpa are coming up from Utah, and should be arriving this afternoon! I am so excited to do some crafts with her and some of my aunts this week! I am planning on doing a charm necklace as a craft to use as one of my Personal Progress Projects. I will show you when I am finished :)

Before any fun can begin though, I HAVE to clean. Just came on for a quick post! Have a good day!