Friday, September 23, 2011

Thanks for listening.

Well folks, its been a while. I have been debating whether or not I should make this specific post for quite a few days, and I can't get it out of my head so I guess I will.

I've been thinking a lot lately about why I am here at WSU. I had already known it was the right thing for me, but how do you explain that to the hundreds of people that ask? So I came up with a few logical reasons (and some not so logical :P) about why I wanted to be here. But in the end, there was this strange feeling like it was familiar and special and happy. So I went with it. This feeling was strengthened when I received a blessing that stated  "Thank you for listening and coming to Pullman"

Honestly, I was a little freaked out. I had tried my hardest to follow what I felt was right, but it's not like I saw a vision or anything telling me to come here. I was nervous and a little unsure. After thinking these things, though, looking at my past started to make sense.

Two years ago, I got rejected from BYU. Rejected. Can you believe that!? At the time, I was completely devastated  didn't see any reason or purpose behind why I couldn't go there. Through a blessing, I had learned that this was all apart of the plan. So I tried my best to move forward.

I went to SUU. I made wonderful friends who I still love very much to this day. I learned a lot about what is important to me. But I started to feel like it was time, yet again, to try something new. Of course I missed my family and my boyfriend, but in a way, it was more than that. I just didn't have the feeling I wanted.

So I came to WSU. No doubt, there were struggles. There were so many blockades and issues with my application and such that I was beginning to think I had totally messed up. I still was relying on that feeling I had though, the feeling that I only found here at WSU. So I kept at it. And I loved it.

But see now, I have started to understand how each part has been so vital. Had I gone to BYU, I probably would have loved it. I may have met new friends. I may have had a whole different life. I may have been less willing to listen to that feeling in my gut that said I needed to make some changes.

I am sure there is more to my story. Obviously I have a purpose in coming here, and I am excited to discover more about that. But at the end of the day, I am the happiest I have ever been in my life. School is hard. Sometimes I get stressed out. I've already gotten sick and had to go to the hospital.... but I can't stop smiling! I love it here.

Most importantly, I have never felt so close to my Heavenly Father as I do here. I am slowly coming to understand how real the plan of salvation is. I am starting to realize that God is really listening and he is totally giving answers to prayers all the time. All you have to do is listen. I have been told that all my life, but for some reason, answers have never come so clear as they do now. I was told in my same recent blessing that if I think I am happy now, just wait until after I begin my work here. I am excited for that.

I am so happy for the wonderful support given to my by my friends here, my family, and of course my boyfriend :) With the help of those who love me, and my Heavenly Father, there is nothing I can't accomplish. to pass History of Classical Christian Europe...

Thanks for listening :)

1 comment:

  1. I love it. I'm so glad your happy. It's a crazy time in your life because so many choices that you make affect your future, yet it's a future that is unpredictable and not always what we have envisioned.
    I felt much the same way many years ago when I went to my second college. A lot of people called it a party school, but for me, I experienced a lot of spiritual growth there. Maybe it's not a specific school, but that wonderful feeling of confirmation that you made a good choice. And that is a powerful feeling that can help you get through just about anything.
    Lately I've been thinking a lot about the old adage that the whispering of the spirit is like the wind. It's all around, moving big things and small things, and if we put up our sails it will move us too, but we don't always know where.
    I am pleased that you are doing well, and trusting the one person who CAN see the big picture.
    <3 Mom
