Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Silver Lining

I don't really know how to start this, so all I am going to say is that life has been slightly complicated lately! I feel like the days are just going by so fast and all I want to do is tell the world to slow down for just a bit! But I guess the real reason I am writing today is not because of all the craziness, but because of all of the peace that I have found within these last 5 weeks.

I feel like I have had so many wonderful blessings just surround me recently, that I can't even describe how awesome my life is. Through all of this, I have come so much closer to my Heavenly Father that I just can't hold back any more! My life has been full of so many wonderful miracles! I know that God is hearing every word I pray, and it is so cool to see how his hand has just come into my life. I have grown to understand that when He asks us to do something it's because he has something better for us. I always thought I understood that, but recently it has just been reiterated again and again! Why wouldn't he bless us for following him? Why wouldn't he give us the things we need to be happy? It's really our choice to come to him and accept those blessings, or turn them away.

I have such an appreciation for my Savior, and such a love for Him as well. It is just so awesome to feel how close Heaven is when we just let it touch our lives. Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives: I know that my Redeemer lives!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful thoughts! I miss you. I'm excited for conference, and then that you might be here for Easter!
