Monday, November 8, 2010

Gentlemen's Intermission

In a recent episode of 30 Rock, Liz Lemon's dad decides to take a break from all his responsiblities and act way dumb and creepy. Though I am not a man, nor have I been acting creepy, (not going to deny the dumb...) I HAVE taken a huge break from my blogging "responsibility". Though all of you do not care about this, apparently it is an outlet for my stress, worries, and frustrations, so I don't end up killing people.

So here goes.

I wish it would snow. I do. People here in Utah start to hate the snow because they see it so often. But guys, I just bought the cutest boots. I need it to snow so I can use them. :(

Yesterday night we started watching "The Last Song" where Miley Cyrus plays the classic angsty teenager who is sure her family doesn't love her because parents broke up, but everything is better when she meets a hot, single, rich guy who works at an aquarium and volunteers in his free time. Of course, another bratty teenage girl attempts to break up there 2 hour relationship by talking smack to Miley and Mr. Right. But don't worry, Mr. Right and Miley's relationship is based of a deep friendship that extends far beyond the 5 minutes they talked to each other.

Yesterday, I also made a Giant Chocolate Truffle. Its way delicious.

I am pretty much really wanting to travel abroad right now. I am taking a theology class from the LDS institute that is about world religions, and today we talked a lot about the middle east. I know its like scary, and I would probably get shot, but you know, I have never been fond of living in one place. Actually I pretty much hate it. My ideal life would involve moving every 6 months (however this isn't really condusive to a teaching career....). Unfortunately, because I live in the middle of absolutely nowhere, in the smallest college town ever invented, I have a 1% opportunity of ever doing anything awesome ever again. Get. Me. Out. Of. Here.

I am sounding really cynical today. I apologize. This doesn't make for good reading.

Basically though, I have been spending money like crazy. Seriously. Not as crazy as some people, and at least I have the money to spend, but I really hate it. Makes me feel like a failure :( And its weird, because its not like me going on a shopping spree, its just 10 bucks here, 5 there. And then I was really sick so I had to buy all this medicine. Idk. I just feel like I will never be able to afford rent, a new car, paying off school loans, and eating when I live my life as an old maid in 3 years.

AND on top of all of that, these teaching thing is difficult. I really want to get into some History classes or something cool just so I can be passionate about SOMETHING.

And people here are totally weird. This guy like....was weird today. And I do not like it.

Also, like you guys all know, I am going into Secondary Education. But like. I hate this. Because to do what I think I want to do, I have to work really hard. But then if I change what I want to teach, all of those credits go towards nothing, and I become a semester behind.

I really think I would be good at a lot of things. I would be a good teacher. But I would also be a good buisness person. Or a good cook. Or a nutritionist. Or a decorator. Or heck, I would be darn good at flippin' burgers at McDonalds. So what is the point. I can work hard for 4 years, doing what I thought I loved and then turn out to hate it, or I could go to school for 2 years and make practically the same amount of money elsewhere, or I could just not go to school at all, have enough money to get by, and that'd be the end of it.

I think like school administration would be cool. But guess what, that takes 8 years. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! And I could always go back to school later or something, but then I wont be a young and cool principal. I will be old and annoying like every other principal on earth.

I miss my puppy :(

1 comment:

  1. I know some very cool principals, so I can take up issue with that statement. You would be the kind of principal you want to be!

    BTW- it kind of just sounds It happens. we see these huge stretches in front of us, we see where we are, we see people around us, and some days it just feels like a circus. Or a silent movie. Or a joke. Or a treadmill. But those days never last. I was actually bragging about you and your Conservative club to a friend of mine this very day- so even little cool things you do can inspire all sorts of people.
    Ride it out. Read a book = escape
    Do some Zumba= release tension
    Eat some chocolate = remember sweet things in life

    Don't rush this cool part of your life. I promise you will look back on it someday with envy.

    Luv ya
