Monday, October 18, 2010


"What are they? Oh I dunno, I sing in the shower? Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit someone with my car. So sue me. No, don't sue me. That is opposite the point I am trying to make." -Michael Scott (The Office)

There are a few vices I have. I decided to dedicate a post to them.

1. Deseret Book.

Not only can I spend like...hours in that store and not get bored, I am also the most tempted to spend money in there. They have perfect gifts for like...everyone (I mean, who can say they don't like some spiritually based gift you got them?), and also, its really easy for me to convince myself that something is worth the (generally over-priced) expense when it is going to aid my spiritual growth. I am basically Deseret Book's target audience. After all, I spent 45 minutes looking at CTR rings today.

2. Baking Things.

It sounds harmless until you realize that the harder things are to bake, the more weird (and expensive) the products to make them are. That's why I am kind of stuck. My roommates are pretty sick of chocolate chip cookies by now, but I am sure my boyfriend still wants some. :) I am feeding my love for cooking with my new shopping plan though. Now I make every dinner fresh. Gives me the opportunity to experiment, and I am starting to learn a lot of cool things.

3. Cleaning.

No. Don't get excited. This is seriously one of the worst things on the list. First of all, I like to clean my way, which makes anyone who asks me to clean very frustrated. Secondly, I can no longer function in a mess. Before I cook, I have to do the dishes, clean the counters-- everything, before I can even read a recipe. If my laundry is crazy, I have to tend to it before I start homework, and before I go to bed I need to do a quick clean up of everything. I feel so much better when everything is clean, but it sure makes it difficult when I want to be lazy!

4. Weird Candy.

I am all over it. Whenever you see movie theater candy that you are pretty sure no one would like, I probably love it. I love Halloween because Candy Corn is readily available (yum) and Sweedish Fish are the bomb. I just finished off a box of Red Hot's. I usually can't eat much in one sitting, but if its around, it will get eaten. Yum :D

5. Talking on the Phone.

As my Dad pointed out the other day, his side of the family isn't big on the phone talking. However, talking on the phone makes me feel very important. Whenever I am talking on the phone, I feel extremely grown up. I am pretty sure I have felt this way forever, as I was always offering to make my Mom's primary president phone calls for her. I still love it. I wish I had to call people more often. Right now I just call my family, and Eric. They probably wish I had other people to call too.

No pictures this time, but I do have to use this time to thank my parents for all the treats they sent me in the mail! Super fudgy brownies, cookies, candy corn, the cutest card ever, and all my mail from back home! I picked it up on the way to institute, and before my class started, everyone was asking me who loved me enough to send me stuff! I am sort of learning that taking a package around is like in elementary school when you get an invitation to a party during class and you are supposed to hide it so no one gets jealous or tries to pull your hair. Thanks guys!


  1. Yay, that was fun. I wish I had the flaw of housework!

  2. I totally get the cleaning thing. Unfortunately I can be a real pain if anyone tries to do my dishes for me. I know they are only trying to help but I feel like I am the only one that can do it properly. I am probably just ocd though. Haha.
