Monday, January 23, 2012


Ohhh boy. I am just so excited! I have been holding off this post for a while because I was nervous about committing-- BUT here goes... I just registered for my very first 1/2 Marathon! I have been thinking about it for quite a few days, and finally went for it.

I have never been what I thought of as a "runner". I enjoy working out because it makes me feel great afterwards, but when it comes to running, it's kind of like eating gross veggies-- it's good for you! I always felt like I wasn't one of those people that could run long distances, and that it would be impossible to even run for such a long time!

So how did I go from thinking all that, to signing up? First off, I know these two girls in my ward at church who are doing one. I was telling them how I admired them for doing it, and then one of them basically said all of my thoughts. She told me she had just run 7 miles and that was the furthest she had ever gone, and she never thought she could, but now she really wants to do more! I kinda thought she was a bit crazy at first...but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it must be true. Everyone has to start somewhere. When I first started running 1 mile, I thought that was lame. Then I started running 2 miles. Then 3 miles...

And today, I ran 4! I have never ever ran more than 3.2 miles, and even then I don't think I ran them without taking any breaks or slowing down. Not today folks! Four miles in 40 minutes. Not the fastest of speeds, but my goal was to run without stopping and I did it! Not only did it prove to me that I can run longer than I think, it also showed me that its alllllll in your head. I never thought I could do it, but once I had the goal, I DID!!!

Four miles is a small feat compared to the 13.1 that I am doing March 10, 2012 (Happy birthday to me! :DD) at the Lake Sammamish Half Marathon. I am nervous, but so so thrilled to be doing something I never thought I would be able to!

Now, I am nervous for a few things:
1) Boredom- Just me and my ipod, for about 2.5 hours. I better get some good tunes
2) Puking- Gotta admit, I am pretty nervous I will spew. I guess that is why we train!
3) Joint pain- Running is pretty high stress on my knees (which are already a little weak) and ankles. I am doing cross training to help strengthen my body, but maybe taking advil before I start my race is a good idea. Thoughts?
4) Water- Luckily, this particular half has nutrition stations every 3 miles with water, fruit, bars, etc. I feel like hydration will definitely be important. I haven't gone on long runs yet, so it's also something I have to practice, making sure not to get a sore tummy from all that water sloshing!

Whenever I think about it, I can just imagine how happy I will be crossing that finish line knowing I did my thing! The race is taking place on my 20th birthday, and I couldn't think of a better way to spend it! I will have more to celebrate than just being old :)

Stay tuned for updates!

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool! Taking an advil before sounds like a good idea, especially in the case of your knees.

    As for music I'll keep an ear out for some good upbeat stuff and maybe message you some tune names.
