Saturday, January 14, 2012


I did it, I did it, I did it, hooray!

After about 3 months of some hard work, I finally got to my goal weight! I was never like fat fat or anything (except for a few chubby stages in the teen years), but this is officially the smallest I have been in my adult life! I was especially happy because it happened over CHRISTMAS of all times. I have done really good about staying away from unhealthy foods (mostly because I have a sensitive stomach, not will power) and going to the gym (which is basically my favorite). I think over break I was just trying so hard not to eat junk food that I probably ended up eating less than I usually do here at school. After managing to maintain that number for the past week and a halfish, I think it's safe to say, I legitimately made my goal weight! I am excited, and even more excited to beef up the muscle (A BIT).

So yesterday, I did about 30ish minutes of cardio, got back to the dorm, had fun with friends and everything, and then I had the biggest realization. For breakfast, I had a 200 cal granola bar, for lunch, a salad, and then went to the gym and burned like 400 calories. I felt pretty good, but then I realized that unless I eat something, I am just going to get TOO small! Went to dinner with Eric, and I had pesto chicken, green beans, a banana, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and some chocolate milk. It was basically a feast- sitting at about 700-900 calories. Do I regret it? Not one bit!

All of this time, I had been so focused about trying to cut calories where I can, exercise when I can, I never thought there would come a day when I might need to look for healthy and hearty foods, but also foods that have some calories to keep the meat on my bones!

If I continue moderate exercise for 30-60 minutes a day (which I should, and likely do just walking around campus alone), I need to be eating just over 2000 calories to MAINTAIN the weight I am at. Seems crazy to me, someone who typically eats 1000-1200 calories a day. That's like another meal! So I guess we will see how this goes. I think as long as I remember to fill up on lower fat stuff and not hamburgers (which is always my weakness...) I should be fine!

My goal through all of this is not to be tiny, but be healthy! So I am glad I could be in a healthy range. Wish me luck as I enter this new stage- again :)

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