Thursday, January 26, 2012


I've been a busy little bee these past few days! Between school, running, and having fun, I've been pretty worn out!

Yesterday night I went on my first 5 mile run ever. 10:08 pace, so still a pretty relaxing speed, so I got done in just over 50 minutes. Including warm up and cool down, I did about 7 miles! I am so so excited about this. I used to think that by "second wind" was about at the one mile mark-- but boy, this isn't true!

@ 0-1 miles, you are just thinking "I can't believe I am going to be doing this for the next hour!"
@ 1-2 miles, I always find myself thinking "keep going...keep going"
PAUSE. Up until the past week or so, this is all I had really experienced from running. But wait, there's more!
@2-4 miles, somewhere in there, things start to change. It's like it isn't hard anymore....isn't that weird?
@5 miles, you don't need to stop. That feeling that you need to take a little breather or something, that is totally gone.

After finishing my first 5 miler, I definitely felt like I could keep on going if I needed to. I have heard this a million times before, but it really is all in your head. If your body is strong enough to do 3, it can do 4. If it's strong enough to do 4, it can do 5. Since I did 5, I know I can do more!

 Like I mentioned on my daily mile post, I did use Gatorade Prime for my workout. Terrible decision. The stuff tastes a little syrupy to begin with, but I was willing to push through the gross taste. Now I am just going to be honest about it because hopefully it will help someone else avoid the pain- this stuff made me have to burp pretty darn bad. I drink water with my run and don't have issues, but this was terrible. I felt like I couldn't get a deep breath because I was all uncomfortable, and at one point I thought I might have to throw it up-- YIKES. So I guess this isn't the thing for me. I will be trying other sports products that work with calorie, carb, and electrolyte replacement, so we will see how that goes!

After getting home from the gym and getting all cleaned up, I decided to try out my new Bengay. I had been having some joint pain, which is pretty typical, and some pain in the arches of my feet. The latter is probably because of my shoe situation (which isn't BAD by any means, just maybe not optimal for long distance). So, I put on my knock-off brand from Walmart and got all tucked into bed. When I woke up this morning, I felt GREAT! My legs weren't really sore in the first place, but my joints feel so much better. No stabbing pain in the knees or ankles. Woohoo. And this is a few bucks cheaper than the brand-name, so totally worth it.

School today wasn't half bad either. Quizzes in both my American History and Geology classes. Think I did quite well on both. I have another quiz tomorrow in History of Rock that I have to study for, but other than that, nothing too bad.

Unfortunately in all the excitement of school and running, my room  has gotten a little messy :( Going to tidy up while finishing my episode of The Biggest Loser, do some studying and home work, go to a church activity tonight (Ward Dinner, my favorite! :P ) and hopefully do just a little bit of yoga when I get home. Today is my rest day as far as training is concerned, so I am going to really enjoy it and get all ready for my upcoming runs.

Happy days!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing so good. What a great run time! It's fun to hear about the things that work,and the things that don't work out so well.
