Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wisdom Teeth, Oh My!

Okay, first thing I will say: A lot of people told me how horrible it would be to get them out, and let me just say, I didn't think it was terrible at all! Let me tell you about my day!

Yesterday, my fam and I went to a place called "Utah Surgical Arts", which is very ritzy, might I add. They took an x-ray and gave me about a 5 minute consultation. I was really lucky, though I had all four wisdom teeth, only one was noted as "a little more difficult" removal because it was growing completely sideways. After a five minute wait, they brought me into the surgery room. I had an IV and oxygen through my nose, and a few things to monitor my heart and blood pressure. After, that, they gave me stuff to put me to sleep.
I was really nervous about going under anesthesia, but really there was no time for that. They said she was administering the dosage and I started to feel very funny. At first my reaction was to fight it, but then I just had to close my eyes! Apparently they didn't use as much as they thought they needed to because the surgeon told my parents I was a "light weight" haha.

I dont remember too much of after the surgery (like getting in the wheelchair or the car or something), but I do remember feeling pretty great! Almost all of my face was completely numb, which made it hard to eat things, but it didn't really matter too much after my mom gave me pain medicine (which put me to sleep sitting right there at the kitchen table!).

My parents are visiting Utah, so it is really nice to have them around. They bring me medicine (which I am alllwwayys up for :P), pudding cups, and mashed potatoes! I really hope heaven is like this. Really the food is one of my favorite parts about having my wisdom teeth out!

Chocolate, Tapioca, and Butterscotch pudding, Strawberry Ice Cream, Oatmeal, Cranberry Juice, Apple Juice, water, Butter and Herb and Four Cheese mashed potatoes, and a box of homemade butterscotch and cheesecake pudding! SOOOO Good!

My aunt stopped by and brought this ice pack that wraps around your head. I have been using it and absolutely loving it!
Here was me this morning, day two. My cheeks are a little swollen and feel tight, but its not too bad.
And here I am with the wonderful ice pack!

I have been warned that day 2 and day 3 are generally the worst, so I trying to stay on top of the pain and swelling. I am doing great so far!

Pretty much the only thing that is lame is that my boyfriend is really sick right now with a man cold. Of course I have been sympathetic to his WEAKNESS, but its a little hard to keep it up when I am the one who just had surgery! I would like a little sympathy from him! Hopefully when he gets his wisdom teeth out, I will be sick too so he doesn't get annnyyyy attention from me! :P


  1. Don't be too hard on Eric. A lot of those WSU girls have mono, so it was just a matter of time...

  2. True dat! I wish whoever gave it to him would just start taking care of him rather than making me deal with all of the grumbling!

  3. That's an ice pack? Wow, I thought you were wearing a camp rock themed, short-sleeved hoodie hahaha

  4. psh. Man cold. Its goin' away anyway. On another note though, that is a ton of awesome food. :)

  5. You are being a good patient. I hope this was the worst day and things just get better.

  6. Glad that your wisdom teeth extraction went well! After listening to some stories, a person could get pretty nervous when they have to go to the dentist. The best thing to do now is to remember to take it easy while you're recovering. A dry socket is very unpleasant, so take care of your mouth until you've completely recovered, okay?

  7. Thanks so much! It went really well. It's now August and I never had any problems! Hooray :) Thanks again for reading!
