Thursday, September 9, 2010

Eric went to the gym.

What's up with that? Haha. Like seriously, he was all fussy that I wasn't talking with my computer mic, so I went out in the hall and got all set up. Talked to him for like five minutes, and then he left me! However, it's sort of a big production to take all this stuff and go back to my room (and also, my roommie left her essay until the last minute, so I don't want to disturb her. Tsk Tsk Sara :P), so I am just sittin' out by the coke machine. Funnn.

Actually, today was a really awesome day. I got a lot of things done. I went to my education class (arrived EARLY thank you! :P) and had a pretty good time. We talked about dicipline within schools, which I have always found interesting. Of course, I went to school in wussy washington, so I have never seen dicipline actually happen, but the concept that it exists quite entices me. My professor for my education class is really an awesome guy. I should really sit closer to the front so he gets to know me better, but I think my right-wing comments about the failures of the left-wing education system speak for themselves :)

After that class, I ran home to grab a granola bar, and then ran off to take my Information Literacy test-out exam. It was really easy, and I will be surprised if I didn't get 95% or better. If I got less than an A though, I am going to stay in the class. It's pretty lame, but I would really like to see a fantastic grade point average for this semester, and for the first time in my life, I think I can do it :)

My final class for the day was my Intermediate Writing course on Classical Rhetoric. We had a pretty big assignment due today that I had worked pretty hard on. I turned it in and everything, but I actually felt really sad when I noticed the kid next to me didn't turn his in. Does he know how poorly that will reflect on his grade? Did he just forget about it? Maybe he wasn't paying attention when she was explaining the assignment. Now that I think of it, I haven't seen him turn in any reading assignments either. Though the class is EXTREMELY boring, the work load isn't too bad. I suppose college is there to weed out the lazies from the diligent....but he also always talks smack about mormons, so maybe God is making his homework assignments slippery like he did to the Nephites and their riches (Helaman 13, if you are interested). Either way, I feel sorry for the guy. Why pay thousands of dollars just to fail?

After class I got home and saw Eric was in Engineering so I couldn't talk to him. Usually, at this point of my day, I just sit at the computer refreshing my facebook page until he gets home. Not tonight! And probably never again. I actually went and had funnnn :D I have been trying to go to the gym every day. I am not as good at it as I should be, but I usually make up for it with an hour or so of zumba. Regardless, I went to the gym today with Maryna and Mila. We had soooooo much fun. We rode the bikes for 20 minutes, lifted some weights, and got stared at by a major creeper. I haven't had so much fun at the gym in a while! The workout was a lot easier than what I was used to, but maybe next time I can convince the girls to hop on the olyptical for 3 miles :) We also made the plan to do friday night swim and movie nights with our buddies. Our first one is tomorrow! It works out pretty good because there is an institute social tomorrow too, so we will go swim, shower, go to the social and get free dinner (SCORE) and come back to our room for a movie night :) I am not a very good swimmer, but these girls make taking out trash fun, how bad can it be?

After our workout sesh, we all came home and made our various dinners. Mine was absolutely delicious. I think it was the most calorically dense thing I have eaten in a while, but calories are good for me! hahah. While we were all eating, we saw a commercial for Arctic Circle. Half of us were like "Whaaa I lovee arctic circle" and the other half were like "whhaa? Never heard of arctic circle!". So we all went there for family home evening. Yes, I know it wasn't a monday, but once your in college, you never know if you will have three dollars to spend on a milkshake by the time the next monday rolls around :P It was sooooo good. I don't really like ice cream, and as my family well knows, it made my tummy feel quite ill, but if that's the price I pay to go out and have a blast with my roommates, so be it!

After we came home, it was homework time for everyone. Of course, I did mine, but I hung around just to help them out. It was during this point that I really started to realize some serious problems I had in high school. One of my roommates was really stressing out about the Library test-out exam (the same one I took this morning). No matter how many times I told her how simple it was, how she didn't need to memorize anything, etc, she was stressing out! I got to thinking how I was like that in high school. Every little thing was such a big deal, whether I did the assignment or not. I wish I would have prioritized more, did things when they were assigned, and been more confident in asking others their input on things. If I were to go back to high school now, I think I would do sooooo much better (except for math, that will always be a...not nice name). But I suppose that is the point of life. We go through all these struggles and eventually, the fact that we struggled makes life easier later. Interesting.

I was also thinking (during my super super super SUPER boring english class) about why I was never good taking tests, but I am a fairly smart person (yea, SUU gives me a brighter confidence in my own intellect as well...). I came to the conclusion that the problem is words. I have always been able to state what I know effectively, and hide what I don't know more effectively. This is why I love public speaking and teaching too. I have a pretty great ability to manipulate the audience's perception of my understanding by not vocalizing any weakness. In a way, I even trick myself. So by the time that math test rolls around, I am unclear on what I know, and what I don't know. I don't think college will ever make me better at math, but at least now I understand why... And its awesome because history teachers aren't expected to have flawless math skills. I really am having an awesome time at college. I know not every class is going to be as easy as I find them now, but I feel like there is actually a purpose with everything we do. It's weird...I actually enjoy studying because I feel like it is helping me learn! Again, WHY did I not do this before!?

I know I am rambling. I apologize. I always do when it comes to my blog. But thanks for reading anyways! I always feel lame about my posts when they don't have a picture in them, so I just searched "Best picture ever" and this was my result.

Good night (:



    ...although... you totally just gave me the third degree for leaving you and going to the gym. And yeah, I was annoyed when you weren't talking to me, because you had like all my attention. So I got bored. :P

  2. I didn't give you the third degree. If you felt guilty by what I said, maybe that means your conscience is telling you not to leave me :P *end guilt trip* I think it's great you went to the gym. I was just a tad bit bored after you left. AND. Might I add that I RARELY have all of your attention. I am not used to it :P

  3. Your description of the gym reminded my of Northanger Abbey...'Danced with one man, was STARED at by another..."
