Monday, September 13, 2010

Oh My, Starry Eyed Surprise!

I have regained a little faith in my astronomy teacher today. This all began with the conversation about Tycho Brahe. While most of the world pronounces it like "bra", Americans have always said "bra-hey!" because we are enthusiastic like that. Yet for some reason, my astronomy teacher chooses to say "Bray" (ya know, rhymes with grey?). After a few minutes of doubting myself, thinking that I had been saying it wrong all these years, I looked it up, and lo and behold, I was correct. Anyways. For those of you who don't know, Tycho was a really interesting guy. His astronomical theories were completely wrong, but he had a personality that is just awesome. In one story, Tycho and another kid at his college get in an argument about who is the better mathematician. Instead of settling this with some sort of test, the two challange each other to a midnight duel. During the duel, Tycho's rival cuts off Tycho's nose. For the rest of his life, Tycho supposedly wore a metal nose piece. Our teacher said he had never found a good drawing of this, so automatically I took off to google to find an image.
So there you have it. I showed the girl next to me, who seems to be my friend because she sits next to me every day now, and we chuckled together.

Further on in the class, my teacher stood on top of a scientific looking sit and spin with weights in his hands, and spun for a little bit and kinda tripped off. This was supposed to explain that planets closer to the sun orbit the sun faster than ones further away (like pluto....OH WAIT. its not a planet :P). I am not sure that I needed this deamonstration to understand the point, but it made me rather enjoy myself.

I went to institute this morning. Seems like no matter when I leave, I am always 1 minute late to that class, even though today I left 5 minutes earlier than I did last week! Perhaps its because I am so sore and I kinda hobble everywhere, but it still makes me feel awkward when 20 students look at me like I am going inactive when I walk in after the class president has said "Welcome to class! :D :D :D"

I suppose I should mention why I am so sore, or in other words my joie de vivre. On Saturday I went to my Zumba Instructor Certification. It was a lot of dancing...about 5 hours, broken up with lectures and group dancing. I had an amazing time, and now I can't get enough! I have about 45 minutes of solid choreography, and then 15 minutes that I have bits and pieces to. I usually choreograph a dance a day so I am not too worried. A few days ago I talked to our P.E. administrator about getting a class started, and she referred me to this guy who actually hires students to teach in the gym! I sent him a cover letter of sorts, and I am waiting to hear back. I think this job would be perfect for me, and I am praying hard he thinks so too!

This morning after institute I went to the gym. I did the elliptical for 45 minutes, and then did some leg weights. The weights were pretty killer because I am sore from dancin' but when you are sore, at least you know you did something right! Me and my roomies are going to an ab aerobics class tonight, which should be good. Now that I am an instructor, I feel like I have to dress all professional, which means spandex... Sooooo I think this class will be good. haha

My bed looks like a college student exploded, and I just overheard my roommate say "I want nachos" so I think there are things I must do, and snacks I must participate in :)

Love ya!

P.S.: I really should mention the Botten family in this post. I went to school with Trey Botten, and though we were never close, I have always known him to be a wonderful person and very faithful. Recently, his younger brother attempted suicide because things were extremely stressful in his life. However, by a miracle, each one in the Botten family sensed that something was really wrong, and they found Cody before he died. He is in a coma at Overlake hospital, and is not doing extremely well. Please remember to pray for this family, and pray for Cody tonight. Depression is a serious problem, and the only true cure is love. Again, please pray for the family tonight <3

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your post. So with the astronomy teacher, is he redeemed in your opinion because he's goofy? That's fun. I like the scientific Sit and Spin.
