Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Lord Is My Shepherd

So today was Sunday.
Which, for me, means time to go to church. As I was sitting through my classes, a very hungry boy in Pullman kept texting me telling me how hungry he was. Though suggested he feast upon the scriptures, his hunger got me thinking about my own meal I was going to make at home. I am pretty sure it was revelation or something because seriously, that stuff was goooooooood :)

Anyways! I made a chicken shephard's pie! It was completely delicious. Here's what's in it:

About half a bag of Tyson Grilled chicken
4 oz frozen corn
8 oz. frozen california veggies
Salt and Pepper and Herbs
(I heated all of this in a frying pan)

Then, I made about 2.5 cups of insta-mashed potatos

And I also made a packet of chicken gravy

I got a square glass pan (I think it was a 9x9) and rubbed butter along the bottom and sides, and then I poured the chicken and veggies from the frying pan into the glass pan. After doing that, I poured on all of the gravy, and stired it around so everything as nice and moist. After the gravy was mixed, I got the mashed potatoes and spooned it on. After I had gotten all of it out, with my spoon I spread it out (not perfectly flat though, becaust that looks gross!)

I popped it in the oven on 400 for 15 minutes, and then I broiled it on high for 5 minutes. Out came heaven.

The taste was amazing. The only thing I would change, is I would broil on low for 10 minutes rather than on high for 5. The top layer was starting to have a nice crisp to it, but the very top bits were starting to get brown, so I pulled it out. By broiling on low, I think it would be more golden brown over all. So good :)

Best part is, there is enough left to feed me for the week! Yummy :D

...I sure hope Eric found something to eat :P


  1. ...that looks a million times better than the stupid sandwich that I made. And surely a little girl like you can't eat all that. Send me some :P

  2. Eric Robison. I just had the best idea ever. Why don't you come down here and I will heat you up some leftovers :)

    ...I would even make it fresh if you wanted.

    ...I would go buy a chicken and kill it.

    So yes, do come please (:

  3. Raise the chicken from an egg and you've got a deal.

  4. Gross idea to raise a chicken from an egg and eat it, but the food you made looks really good.
    I told mom she should try this.
    Maybe just like a 1/4 cup of shredded cheddar on top of the potatoes.

    She made apple crisp tonight and it was VERY yummy.

  5. That looks great! I'll have to try it sometime soon. Tonight we had baked potatoes. They were yummy, but most of them were still green so it was slim pickings.

  6. When I think of you and Nick eating greenish baked potatoes, it brings to mind that scene in the George C Scott "Christmas Carol" where the poor family is living under the bridge and eating potatoes the dad found in the street. The girl says "it's too hot" and the mom says "it will be cold soon enough".

  7. Mmmm. Looks good...
    but wait, I am it proper to text during church? I would probably cry if the ladies texted during my lesson.

  8. It is definitely not proper. Eric hasn't been dunked yet though, so I try to go easy on him ;)

    AND. I will add, it was the 5-10 minutes between the lessons that the texts were sent. So no need to cry :) haha
