First week of college is over.
This has probably been the longest week of my entire life.
I just remember high school like flying by. But now, everything is different.
Part of it, I think, is that the people that made time seem to go by so quickly are all gone. Instead of hanging with friends, I have dates with my books. I am thinking that today I will take my reading to the gym with me. Even if I am there for hours, I think it will help me blow off a little steam.
Yesterday, I only had astronomy. There were two moments that made me laugh a little. We were looking at this program that allows you to see star constellations and things like that, and one of its features is that you can turn the sunlight off to allow you to see the stars during the day that you can't normally see because its too bright in the real world. The professor moved the pointer to the darkened sun and said "This is how the sun looks when we turn the daylight off, like another star". Quickly, one girl raised her hand and said "Wa-wa-wa-wa-wait. At night time, the sun turns into a star?" *headdesk*
The next thing was, a kid had raised his hand and asked "So in this class, we are going to be calling pluto a planet?" Suddenly the room got quiet and the poignant moment began. My teacher got a little red faced and choked up and said "It makes me sick that they would thing to remove Pluto from the planets!" He went on to explain that he knows the man who discovered Pluto, and that he is his hero, and said "I know all the fame it brought to him, his family, his observatory... I hate that people are trying to take that away...The debate is not over."
...So I guess Pluto is a touchy subject!
Last night, my roommates and my friend and some of her roommates all went to see Vampire's Suck. Um......... Yea it sucked. haha. The beginning was hilarious, but after the first half hour, I kept checking my watch to see how long this was going to be. In addition to having it say the S word every other word, there were some parts that were....a lot more crude then I was expecting. Of course, I have heard of tons of people who went and enjoyed it, and kids muuuch younger than me going with their families, but wow...Seriously don't go. Part of the problem is it is taking all of the teenage romance of the twilight saga and showing it through a lense that is much more crude. So yea...that was weird...
BUT in a way, going to see this crappy movie with my roommates was quite the bonding experience. After we came home, we all talked to Eric and his roommate on skype and were laughing for quite a long time. Eric is cool and all, but I absolutely love my roommates. They really help me feel better about things :)
After we had sufficiently annoyed two teenage boys 900 miles away, we all went to play curses. If any of you haven't played Curses before, you totally should! When you actually play by the way the rules say to play, you can have a blast! After about half an hour of that, we all sorta split off, many of us hopping onto skype to chat up our friends who are far away. It's kinda funny. From my room, I can usually here quite a few computers echoing making the video-call sound skype makes. Probably the best sound ever. (:
Okay it's already noon. I need to do something with my day. Off to the gymmmm :)