Wednesday, August 25, 2010


That really does describe my day! I am so proud of my little grown up self!

I am trying to think and see if I did anything extremely stupid today...
....that didn't take long! I thought of something!

A few days ago, my sleep habits had been getting prreeetttyyyy bad. So, lately I have been trying to be a bit more responsible about going to bed at a "decent" hour. But you know, I am still not perfect..haha. So this morning I slept through my alarm. Not entirely sure how I did it, but it is a fairly complicated system, so I give myself credit for even being able to turn the thing off while I was sleeping. But anyways, I was planning on getting up at 8, but I didn't really start getting ready until about 8:30. My first class today was institute so I wasn't really worried...the worst they could say is "Sister, remember spiritual learning comes first" which is what they seem to say around here whenever someone does something wrong.

Since my route last time wasn't the best (I ran through freshly cut grass and got it allll over!) I decided to try to take the cement path that cuts through campus. Everything was rather uneventful for a while, except for the fact that I reeaallyyyy had to use the bathroom. Wasn't until about an hour later that I found one on campus to use. I thought everything was going to be great, but then the toilets (which are really high tech) flushed on its own, and the sound sounded like a baby crying from the toilet! I screamed and hit my head on the door....yea.

From then on, my day started to slowly fall apart. My online computer class made absolutely no sense, the teacher wouldn't get back to me, I had an assignment that was late and one to do today that I didn't even know about, and read the fine print that said I needed to buy a $130 book about how to delete one letter in a word document. I went over to the SUU bookstore to see how much this book was there, and it was only 30 something, so at this point I had calmed down a little. Then when I got home, my roommate said that I could just use her's since she only needs it for the 3 hours a week she is in class (Thanks Sara!!!) :D

After that, everything started to get better. So good, in fact, that I went to walmart to fill in the gaps I need for the next few weeks. Man, I shoulda just cracked open my crackers, because being at walmart is like dinner and a show! People are always doing weird stuff. Its fantastic. For example, I saw an old man waving his cane cursing at the shelf for not having the tea he likes. Too funny.

Walmart put me in such a good mood, I was inspired to read and study for the next three hours. Got through some of Three Cups of BORING, studied and typed lots of stuff for astronomy, and I completed my computer project for today. GO MEE!

...speaking of computer projects, I am actually going to get back to that. Got to see if I can finish the whole course by monday :P

Thanks for readin'!

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