Monday, August 30, 2010

Thus it begins.

Week 2!

Church yesterday was still pretty lame. The leaders keep telling all the girls to convert guys and bring them to the ward. But all I can think is "if I found a halfway decent guy to try to convert, I wouldn't bring him to church where he would be preyed upon by all the other desperate girls." DISCLAIMER: I already have found a halfway decent guy to try to convert. I just keep him away from all the desperate girls. Far, far away :)

Yesterday we also had our roommate agreement meeting where we all discussed what things we can share, what things make us angry, and how we react when we are sad... It was probably the closest thing to a counselling session I will ever go to.

Afterwards we re-organized our fridge. In my opinion, this didn't seem to do much good because I was already consolidated and organized, but others were not. I am a little sad because I like to drink juice a lot, so I got a big gallon of diet cranberry juice (5 calories per serving!? Heck YES), and I was kind of indirectly scolded for having such a large space-waster for only one person. However, as I pointed out to them, as time goes by, I will have less and less things in the fridge. If I have to have less tortillas to get my gallon of juice, so be it! haha

After we reorganized the fridge, we divied up chores. At this point, roommate time was already colliding with my nightly "Eric-Time", so I was a little anxious to get that over with. So together we made a sloppy little chore chart and I called it quits. This morning, however, I had a lot more concentration to devote to the ordeal, so I made a VERY cute little chart for us :)

I am not sure if it will inspire all the other girls to clean, but I certainly feel inspired! :)

This morning I had institute, which I did, in my sleepy state, try to convince myself that I would skip, but then I remembered all of those things they said in church yesterday about spiritual learning coming first and such, so I was totally guilted into it. Once I was there, it was actually pretty great. I like learning about the different religions. Though the time we focus on that is short, at least this time there were no creepers telling me that they are returned missionaries and single. That's always a plus.

Astronomy is definitely going to be interesting today, I can feel it. Not interesting as in "Woah, I learned something!" But interesting as in someone doing something that will make me laugh at them. Oh dear.

After astronomy, I am going to take a nap. I am not going to study, I am not going to read, I am not going to eat, I am just going to take a good ol' fashioned nap. Bring. It. On.



  1. YAY NAPPING! I feel like one of those riiiight about now :)

    ...and if someone had the urge to make me a chore chart I would certainly feel inspired to follow it. haha

  2. I know! Naps are the best. I don't know if you need a chore chart, Eric. What would you do? A Vacuum probably couldnt even fit in your room :P

  3. Do you have a book in institute? What book is it?
    What does the bottom part of the chore chart mean? With the names and the dates?

  4. For institute we have a book that my teacher wrote. It's called world religions, but it isn't a real published book, just something he made and had spiral bound.

    The bottom of the chore chart is things we have all decided to share for cleaning purposes. If we have already bought it, we put the date so we know who has bought the product most recently. For example, if it were check marks instead of dates, and everyone had bought a product, there is no way of knowing whose turn it is to buy it again. This way it's fair and no one ends up buying products week after week.

  5. Your chore chart looks great! I hope you have a good second week. We'll see you soon!
