Thursday, August 26, 2010

Long days are sometimes the best days :)

Can I just say I work wayyyyy harder in college then I ever have in high school? Beacuse I totally have. Like I did my fair bit of work in high school, but like here? Here is nothing compared to that. As far as homework goes, I feel that the load is actually very similar to what I did (or was SUPPOSED to do :P) in high school. The main difference is just the level of critical thinking. Everytime I go into a class my mind just goes on a roller coaster! There are just soooo many things to think about, opinions to discuss, things to learn- I just love it so much. I get out of class and I feel exhausted, not because the class was boring or I did lots of work, but because my mind feels like it ran a marathon!

Though we do lots of hard work, we definitely share some laughs. Today my english professor was discussing rhetoric (language, the art of persuasion, etc.) and the means at which we can achieve persuasion. She said "Some people may use physical appearance as a resource, but for some of you, appearence is what we call a 'constraint'"

PROBABLY the funniest thing I had heard all day :) Eric didn't think it was funny, but really it was hilarious.

Also today, I had major network issues! Before I get into that though, I have to tell you the creepiest story! So I was in the library working with my pesky laptop, and I notice this totally staring at me! I like to give people the benefit of the doubt on these sorts of things...
...because who wants to stare at someone who looks like this?! :P
So I looked behind me, and it was a map. Alright, he is allowed to stare at the map. So I continue on with my work, and look up, and there he is, BUG EYED STARIN'! Needless to say, I was pretty creeped out. I began to pack up my stuff, then he stood up and started to do it toooo! AHHH. And so then I sat back down and tried to look like i was just re-situating. THEN HE SAT DOWN TOO! It was then that I realized I couldn't stay here forever so I got up really quick and ran up the stairs. I heard him coming right behind me, but he couldn't beat the speed of my zumba-toned quads. Earlier I had looked for a spot in the computer lab and it was full (like always) but i figured I could seek refuge amoung the 50 other students. Lucky for me, I escaped the weird, blonde, and probably a theatre major creepo.

After this, I stepped outside and saw something I haven't seen in a while...RAIN! It was pouring pouring POURING! This rain was probably the best rain I had ever seen in my life. It was weird, washington rain is all misty and wimpy, this stuff would hit my head and make me feel like a bus had landed on me! Okayyy maybe not a bus, but anyways. By the time I got to english I was completely soaked and I wouldn't have it any other way :)

Back to the computer issues... I went through three tech guys today. Unfortunately for me, they got progressively less attractive. Anywho, my laptop wouldnt hook up to the SUUstudents network. The only person that could actually turned out to be my dad :) Just so he is aware, I sent him an email first for help before I tried contacting any of these other losers whose version of "help" is directing you to a video on how to select a network. Oh dear. :) I got it all sorted out though, and now I am way excited to be able to browse as I please!

Even with all the craziness, today was seriously my best day yet of college. I think maybe it's the craziness that made things fun! (:


  1. That was hilarious. Man there are a lot of creepers there. You must not give off a good enough 'don't talk to me(or stare) vibe. Maybe Hillary can give you some cues in that dept. I think she had it down.
    I'm glad you could have fun at Walmart and enjoy the rain and all.

  2. You bet I have it down. It's not something everyone can learn but I will try to help you next time I see you. Until then, go to Clairs and get a fake engagement ring. :D

  3. Good idea - hit them with a fist with a big fake engagement ring on it!
    Pepper spray first, check if they are just looking at the map later. You have all those shots for a reason and we can always buy that big "Bear Sized" canister if need be.

    As for my tech support mastery - the solution more or less turned out to be "turn off your wireless switch and then turn it back on again".
