Monday, August 30, 2010

People of Walmart.

CRAP. I'm one!

So after I went to a church activity tonight, I decided I would hit up walmart just to grab a few things I have noticed I was missing. I was leisurely walking down the makeup aisle when I noticed some nail polish what wasn't in it's shelf correctly, it was just kinda squeezed in there. Being the good person that I am, I decided to put in in correctly. BIG MISTAKE. I just couldn't get it to fit in! Admiting defeat, I just propped it back up like it was, and began to look at the colors. Howver, the second I let go, the bottle dropped AND SHATTERED right on my foot!

My foot, after I went home to clean up a little

It was horrible because I made a HUGE mess in the aisle, and glass was TOTALLY inside my foot! I was on the phone with Eric and he just thought it was a huge joke and started making fun of me. It was so embarrasing because I had a completely black foot and shoe, and I was trying to get away from the scene of the crime, hobbling just a little as I did so. Eric's comforting words were "Haven't you looked at that website called 'People of Walmart'? No one will think anything of your black foot". But oh boy, they totally did. People were all staring at me. THEN I started to think that with nail polish inside my cut, it would go in my blood stream and make me pass out or puke or something. THEN I started to feel light-headed and everything because I thought I had poison in my blood, but then I convinced myself it was just because I am a woman, and as such, I am 50% more likely to imagine illness than a man would.

Anyways. I am all better now. My shoe is pretty ruined. My foot hurts a little with all the cuts that I had to clean with nail polish remover. I will also be patrolling (The People of Walmart) page to make sure my foot pic doesnt get on there!


  1. Oh man. Are those your cute new shoes?
    That is so sad.

    That's why I never do anything nice.

  2. BTW...glad to hear you went to FHE before this happened. :-)

  3. They aren't super new, but I totally love them. I am thinking of a few ways to fix them to tidy them up. :)

    Yes, we went. There was free food. Yum!
