Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Let the Games Begin.

How fast the time goes! Today is already the second day of college! I am already starting to miss a few things, like sleep, for instance haha. But who can bear to sleep when being awake is so fun!

Yesterday, I got a notification that I had a package waiting for me at the post office (don't worry, I wont get into so much detail with this whole post office thing :P), the only problem was that I got the email right as the post office was closing, so I had to wait the 16 hours till I could get it this morning! So, I set my alarm for 8 and decided I didn't care what people thought, I would run over there in my pajamas. It wasn't until I was already far from my dorm that I realized that people's class start even before 8 (who the heck would do that to themselves?!). There were people all over all dressed nice, people jogging, people doing homework, and here I am in my nerd glasses, huge tshirt and sweatpants, with my hair all crazy, going into the post office to pick up my package. Would I do it again? Absolutely. (:

As you can see from the picture, I recieved like the second coolest shirt ever! The coolest shirt of course, is the one I sent him :P Anyways.... It's way cool because my school colors are red and white, so if someone glances at the shirt, they won't want to beat me up! And even with it being a different college and all, some people here seem to think Washington is the most amazing place ever ("Woah...it...RAINS?!"), so needless to say, I am not at all shy to show of my WSU spirit :D haha

Classes yesterday were Astronomy and "The Gospel and World Religions" institute class. They have really great teachers, and reeeaaallyyy weird students. But hey, that's college! Today I am taking Education in Society and Writing Rhetoric. To me, those classes sound pretty difficult, with FIVE textbooks between the both of them. I am guessing I will read a lot and have to write MANY papers, but then again...I suppose thats what is expected of an English major :P I am off to my first class now. Hopefully I will be able to give a little update on how they went tonight :)


  1. It was so bright and happy! (:

    miss you. Can't wait until my mailbox is no longer empty :P

  2. Thank you! I miss you too! I can't believe none of the mail I has sent has gotten to you yet. Curse those slackers at the SUU post office!!! (:

  3. People get up before 8?
    On purpose?

    Your post was fun. I miss you,
